Home > biomechZoo > Toolbox > PiG Ops > kinematics_data.m



data = KINEMATICS_DATA(data,settings) computes global and lower-limb


function data = kinematics_data(data,settings)


 data = KINEMATICS_DATA(data,settings) computes global and lower-limb
 joint angles based on the joint coordinate system of Grood and Suntay (1983)

  data     ...  Zoo data
  settings ...  Settings control (struct) with the following fields:
                'graph' (boolean). Graph comparisons agains Vicon. Default, false
                'comp'  (boolean). Vicon vs BiomeZoo RMS diff (if available). Default, true

  data    ...   zoo data appended with kinemaitc channels

 - PiG
   * choice of segment embedded axes for angle computation based on work of
     Vaughan (Dynamics of Human Gait 1999, Appendix B p94-96). 
   * Lower limb PiG outputs of this function have been validated
     (see Fig4.ppf and Supplemental Fig2.pdf in ~\biomechZoo-samplestudy\Figures\manuscript\
   * Head angles are not offset by static posture (PiG angles use static offset)
 - OFM
   * choice of segment embedded axes was based on trial and error, comparing
   results to Vicon outputs.
   * Grood and Suntay approach is implemented
 - Belfast Pelvis
   * Belfast pelvis angles based on Baker 'Pelvic angles: a mathematically rigorous
     definition which is consistent with a conventional clinical understanding of 
     the terms'. Gait Posture. 2001 Feb;13(1):1-6. doi: 10.1016/s0966-6362(00)00083-7.    
 - A correction for vector flips near 90 degrees has been implemented at the knee, 
   and BelfastPelvis but might require future updates (see 'checkflip_pyCGM')

 See also makebones_data, bmech_kinematicsPiG, bmech_jointcentrePiG


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